Thursday 7 June 2007

Breaking the Unbreakable

What a dang day!

Work was pretty horrible, one of those days when something really important stops working and everything you seem to do just makes the issue worse....

...until 5 hours later you find out that Telstra is actually having a problem with their new 'NextG' network right where you've set up your system that relies on NextG.

I love computers and especially Telstra....

ANYHOW! - on a day like today you just think things can't get any worse. You feel that even though you're stressed you're still handing things really well, doing Jesus proud and all that. I was working with a guy that can be difficult to have a round, but I've always felt I still have a responsibility to make the time to develope a relationship with him. So even in the stressed times today I was making an effort to be positive, selfless and Christ-like.

To jump to another thread of this same theme....

I have an awesome pair of sunglasses. I love them. They cost a lot, but I don't mind because they are such good quality. They are made from T6 grade aluminum which just happens to be the same grade that the US military use on the jet aircraft. They are machine forged, and tough as nails. The lens can supposedly take a 12 gauge shotgun round from 44 feet! They are marketed as the virtually ‘unbreakable’ pair of sunnies.

See where this is going???

Yep well while working on our NextG problem today I sat my uber sunnies on the bench. While crawling under a table another RACQ lady knocked the sunnies onto the floor and my co-worker then took a step back and ‘crunch’! The unbreakable break and I’m left with a couple of really expensive pieces of aluminum.

My co-worker said later that he was quite amazed at my reaction, and the fact I kept a semi-positive attitude for the rest of the day. He said if it was him he’d probably sworn, hit the guy who'd broken them and taken the rest of the day off.

So I should feel like a good witness hey??? Well no – maybe my outside appearance looked Christ-like – but inside I was in turmoil. I was angry (mostly with myself for putting my glasses on that bench at that time). I felt like it was so unfair… I was sick of the computers not working… I was annoyed at working with this guy, and then having him stand on my glasses (I know it wasn’t his fault).

How Christ-like is it to brood over it all on the inside? To the world I did a good job, even gaining a comment on how Christians handle things differently. I didn’t let my feelings out… I kept looking ‘Christian’ but inside was having my own private tantrum.

Isn’t that hypocritical?

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