Monday 20 August 2007

Wet Weather

The sound of rain on our tin roof yesterday and today has been fantastic. I was unwell all weekend so the constant drumming of rain was quite rhythmic while I was lying in bed trying to feel better.

I was surprised this morning how good traffic on the road was. It seems Ipswich Road is terrible all the time these days, and I thought with the rain with would be chaotic. It was actually better than most days. It's good to see everyone slowing down a little and being sensible in the slippery conditions.

The one thing I did notice though was that it seems the storm water drains around the place are clogged up because they haven't been cleaned out for ages. Water was pooling on roads everywhere - it's a shame it will evaporate from there and not be used where it's needed.

Our tank is full, the grass finally has a slight tinge of green to it - and hopefully all the farmers in our area have nice full damns now too.

Praise God for his provision of rain!

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