Wednesday 25 March 2009

Wednesday night ramble...

This may become a more frequent thing, as I spend a bit of time at college on Wednesday nights just chilling before going to lounge group on the Northside (not travelling back to Ipswich in between, and there is only so much Greek you can do in one hit).

So I'm just sitting here thinking about stuff, and thought I might throw up some of those thoughts into the public arena.

One thing that has hit me hard today, but has been building for a week or two is how important it is to act when God tells you to do something.  A few months back I didn't, and I'm really regretting not acting on His word - there is a distinct feeling of guilt there too cause I know it could have helped someone at the time, and it's not something I can just do now and it will be all good... I missed the mark.

Another thing is how purposeful is our current prayer life? I mean what are we praying for? Is there intent in our prayers, do we have a wide idea of the world around us and what we should be asking God for?

And where do we start with prayer?  I think I get right into what I want - 'want' in a good way - praying for people, situations and God's action in the world today.  But I wonder if that's not the right place to start... shouldn't we start at the cross?

Everything we ask for, praise for or worship is because of what Christ did on the cross... I wonder if we don't take that for granted most of the time... the significance of the cross is so huge that we should use it as a starting point of thankfulness and submission before continuing with out prayers.

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