Friday 28 August 2009

Testimony - The Power of your own Story

I teach a grade 8 class R.E on Fridays. It's done in two rotations, with 5 weeks in each class. I have one lovely class and another which is a little harder to control and share with.

I'm currently with this more challenging class and have found that the class outlines we've been given don't really work - the class is just too rowdy to get through that stuff.

We have been talking about "Who is God" and "Who is Jesus" and a heap of different stuff revolving round that, but every time the class has been so out of control that I don't know if anything is actually communicated to them.

Today I decided to ditch the class lesson as we were suppose to talk about "A Christian is someone who knows God through Jesus". Instead I thought I would share a segment of my own testimony. I shared mainly about the time when I was 14 and my mate passed away on a church family camp - it was a defining point in my decision to follow God and be part of his plan (only because I knew and believed that another part of God's plan had been to send his own son to die for us - thus "knowing God through Jesus").

The class was silent for the entire time - they sat and listen, they asked polite and good questions, and responded to any question I asked them. It was an amazing lesson, and the teacher (who sat and listened intently the whole time as well) was quite stunned at how well behaved the class was (he even took the time to congratulate them on their behaviour which I though was great).

I am humbled at how God can use the story of my life to convey his love for others. I know I'm no one special in the grand scheme of things, but because I am SO special to God, he uses my story to share his Word.

It is amazing...

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