Tuesday 21 September 2010

Christians and the Law

From Erickson p820

"The law should not be thought of as something impersonal and foreign to God, but as an expression of God's person and will.  He does not command love and forbid murder simply because he decides to do so. His very nature issues in his enjoining certain actions and prohibiting others.  God pronounces love good because he himself is love. Lying is wrong because God himself cannot lie.
This means that, in effect, the law is something of a transcript of the nature of God.  When we relate to it, whether positively or negatively, we are not relating to an impersonal document or set of regulations.  Rather, it is God himself whom we are obeying or disobeying.  Disobeying the law is serious, not because the law has some inherent value or dignity that must be preserved, but because disobeying it is actually an attack on the very nature of God himself."

I think this also shows why legalism is such a problem, because we're taking the law for its own sake not Gods, kind of making an idol out of the law.

Good thoughts??

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