Wednesday 2 January 2013

Knowing I AM

First post of 2013, and I thought it would be good to reflect once again on our standing before God.  We shouldn't have one, a standing before God that is, because we really don't deserve it.  But because of his love, and the grace shown through Jesus' ultimate sacrifice we can know God - Romans 5:1 says we have peace with God because of our faith in Him.

When God was asked his name by Moses He simply replied "I am who I am", God doesn't need a qualifier  a baseline of recognition or something to be compared too.  God simply is God.  He is the qualifier and baseline. God can say "I AM" and that's all we need to know.  And because of Jesus we can relate to I AM, that's amazing.

With Passion 2013 starting today I thought this quote from Louie Giglio was a great reflection.

When we see just how tiny we are, our self-worthy and our God-worth can become one and the same as we are stunned with our reality that we have been made in His very likeness and invited to know Him personally.
I am not, but he knows my name.
I am not, but He has pursued me in His love.
I am not, but I have been purchased and redeemed.
I am not, but I have been invited into The Story.
I am not, but I know the Creator of the universe.
I am not, but I know I AM.

Louie Giglio, I am not, but I know I AM - p52

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