Friday 6 May 2016

Being a Pastor is about who I am, not what I do.

As a pastor it is very easy to evaluate life and work by what you do, moreso than who you are.

I am extremely guilty of this. I have a type-A mindset that tells me my worth is based on the things that I do, instead of whose I am. When Jesus says in Luke 10 that the necessary thing that I must do is sit at His feet, I scoff. When Jesus says in John 15 that when I abide in Him my joy will be made complete, I try to justify a 15-minute quiet time in the morning as me abiding faithfully because I am just too busy for more. Do you see my hypocrisy?
~Kenny Klinglesmith

This article on the Austin Stone Worship blog reminded me once again that as a pastor it is who I am that is really important, and that will in turn drive what I do.  It's not the other way round.

Go and read the rest of the article here - God is the one in whom our identity must lie, He calls us to rest in Him so that we find out who we are, we are His, and then we go and do His work - because of what He wants... not what we feel we need to be.

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